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VOIS TV comprehends the significance of an individual’s privacy and respects it. This Privacy Statement gives an insight of the information we collect through our websites (the “Sites”), through our products and when you contact us for support, how we use that information, and what choices you have.

The website may contain links to other websites for reference purpose. This Privacy Statement is not applicable to the practices of any company or individual that VOIS TV does not control or have any authority over, or any websites that you link to from the Sites. You should carefully review the privacy policies of any website that you visit from ours to learn more about their information and privacy practices. The collection and use of your personal information shall be governed by such other party or website’s privacy policy. VOIS TV doesn’t regulate or monitor their terms of use and privacy practices and is not responsible for their privacy practicesand terms of use.

We recommend to spare out a few moments to read this Privacy Statement. By accessing the websites or using VOIS TV products, you give consent to agree to accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Statement and are aware that our policies may change and update in the future.

Information that we collect

In various places across the website and through the VOIS TV products, we collect “Personally Identifiable Information” such as your name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, or other information that can be used to identify you or contact you. For instance, we collect this information when you create an account, register for our message boards, sign up for our email newsletter, and purchase from our website or register any VOIS TV product, download a software update, enter a sweepstakes or participate in surveys, promotions, and giveaways. For a better customer experience, in the future, we may offer software updates, upgrades, additional features, services and promotional opportunities that would require you to submit Personally Identifiable Information to participate.

VOIS also collectsanonymous information such as your IP address, the type of browser you use, the pages on our website that you visit, the search terms that you enter or the advertisements that you click. Anonymous information can and will not be associated with Personally Identifiable Information.

Similar to most of the websites, we also use “cookies” to collect information. A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer and is stored on your hard drive. When you visit our website, the cookie identifies your computer and its information related to us so that you do not have to re-register each time you visit. We also use cookies to measure the traffic to and usage of our site and its different services and features, and other miscellaneous uses.

VOIS products upload usage information to VOIS TV as part of their normal functioning. The collected information includes the specific identifiers of streams played, duration played, various quality measures, error logs, software version numbers, and other usage statistics. The usage information uploaded from VOIS products is personally identifiable by product serial number. In some cases, serial numbers are associated with personally identifiable information for customer service and support.

The information collected from many users is used for the purpose of analysis and, in some cases, made generally available anonymously to users of VOIS products andservices. For instance, VOIS may use such information to provide features such as lists of popular videos. VOIS may also use the personally identifiable information to make content recommendations to individual users.

If you wish that VOIS shouldn’t use your information as described in this section, then you might want to consider following the procedure in “Alternatives you have” described in the section below. We comprehend that children will not use our website. We do not solicit or knowingly collect information from children under 13 years of age and will not accept the registration from them.

Using and deploying the collected information

BWe use Personally Identifiable Information that you provided us to perform the services for which the data was collected, such as for order fulfillment, customer support and marketing activities, such as email newsletters and sending you information about products and services that may be of interest to you. Later onin this Privacy Statement, we provide you with more information on how to opt-out of marketing communications.

We use non-Personally Identifiable Information to determine how people use the Sites and its services and to analyze usage and performance of our products and their software and features. For example, this data tells us information including how often users click on our advertisements, which files are downloaded most frequently, and which areas of our site are the most popular. Analyzing this data allows us to improve our products and services.

How is the collected information shared?

Sometimes, werender the help of third parties with certain aspects of our operations, such as processing credit card payments and providing marketing assistance. When we supply Personally Identifiable Information to these third parties, we strictly ensure that they use it only for the function they are hired to perform.

We will disclose Personally Identifiable Information as required by law, or if in our judgment it is necessary to protect VOIS, or our users from loss or liability. If required, we might share some or all of your personal information with our current or future associations (limited to a parent company, any subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under a common control and authority), in which case we will require our affiliates to honor this privacy policy. If we merge with or are acquired by another company, the resulting combined company will access the information to use it, which you have provided as described in this policy. If in case we cease our operation, your information may be transferred to and used by another company that offers similar or related products or services. The prediction ofany suchevent is uncertain, but we would hope this transfer could provide you continued services, without affecting your convenience.

Alternatives you have

If you wish to not receive any information pertaining to our products and services or do not want to receive information from our partners and others about products and services that might interest you, then you might consider opting-out of some of these types of communications in your account settings. You also have an option to unsubscribe from certain email communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe link” provided in all such communications.

There are some important communications for your welfare and you may not be able to opt out of these important email communications (e.g., account verification, payment receipts, technical and security notices) and by signing up for or using the Services, you thereby agree to receive such important email communications.

Do not track

Advertisers, advertising technology companies, and service providers that are responsible to perform advertising-related services for VOIS and our business partners may use cookies and similar technologies to collect information from or about you through the websites or services in order to tailor advertisements. This information may relate to your use of the VOIS services, websites you visited, the advertisements you viewed, and your other activities online. Advertising that is based on information collected from or about you across websites, applications,and other platforms over time is known as interest-based or online behavioral advertising.

The Network Advertising Initiative offers useful information about internet advertising companies, including information about how to opt-out of interest-based advertising by their members.

At present, we don’t respond to browser Do Not Track (DNT) signals. But you can always opt-out of interest-based advertising on VOIS in your account settings easily.

Bulletin board service

If you register yourself to use our bulletin boards, you should remember that anything posted here is publicly available. Your profile will also be available to other users of our bulletin board service.


VOIS is committed to maintaining the security of your confidential information round the clock. During the transaction sessions in which you give us information such as credit card numbers, we encrypt your transmissions using SSL (“Secure Sockets Layer”), and other security technology. This safeguards your confidential information against the interception of the information, while it is on the Internet. We keep the Personally Identifiable Information you provide on servers that are protected by firewalls and other technological means against intrusion or unauthorized access. They are located in a physically secured facility, and only our employees and agents with a need to know the information are given access. These agents and employees are hired after conducting a series of strict background verification check. However, there is no such thing as “perfect security” on the Internet. Being said that your safety is in your hands, we still rely on you to select passwords that cannot be cracked easily and to safeguard those passwords from disclosure. Third parties may unlawfully access transmissions or private communications. Please contact us if you have any information regarding unauthorized use of the Sites.